In accordance with the provisions of the “Avenir professionnel” law of 5 September 2018, we have established the Index dedicated to professional equality between women and men.
For each criterion used to calculate the Index, CAP INGELEC obtained the following score:
- Gender pay gap: 34 points out of 40
- Gap in the rate of individual increases: 20 points out of 20
- The promotion gap: 15 points out of 15
- The percentage of female employees who received an increase after returning from maternity leave: 15 points out of 15
- The number of employees of the under-represented gender in the top 10 highest paid employees: 0 out of 10 points
This overall rating is proof of CAP INGELEC’s ongoing commitment to professional equality between women and men. We are continuing our efforts with constancy and determination to improve it.
In a context of strong growth, CAP INGELEC is pursuing its development in France and Europe by offering numerous opportunities, particularly in predominantly technical positions, occupied mainly by experienced male profiles.
CAP INGELEC remains mobilized and determined to promote gender diversity within its teams. This commitment is reflected in internal actions aimed at offering stimulating career paths to its female employees. External actions are also carried out through partnerships with schools and associations such as Elles Bougent, to promote construction trades among women.